LinkedIn company page

How to optimize, manage and monitor your company page

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community building

Managing a LinkedIn company page is all about building a community that is truly interesed in your company. Finding the right mix of content is crucial for value added content.  


Six reasons why you should have a LinkedIn company page:

✅Brand awareness: A LinkedIn company page allows you to showcase your business and its products or services to a large audience. It also allows you to share company updates, news, and other content that can help increase your visibility and establish your brand.
✅Lead generation: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, and having a company page can help you connect with potential customers or clients. You can use your company page to share content that positions you as a thought leader in your industry, which can help attract leads.
✅Recruitment: LinkedIn is also a great platform for recruiting top talent. Your company page allows you to post job openings, showcase your company culture, and connect with potential candidates.
✅Networking: Having a LinkedIn company page allows you to connect with other professionals and businesses in your industry. This can help you expand your network and create new opportunities for your business.
✅Analytics: LinkedIn provides analytics for company pages, which allows you to track your page’s performance, see how your audience is engaging with your content, and make data-driven decisions on how to improve your strategy.
✅Cost-effective: A LinkedIn company page is a cost-effective way to market your business, as it is free to create and maintain, and you can also use the promote feature to reach targeted audiences.

This Is What You Get


Have your employees added your LinkedIn company page to their "current experience"?


You can gain followers by inviting your connections to follow your page.


How to create an event en involve your attendees in inviting even more relevant connections?

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Adam Sendler
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Mila Kunis
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Mike Sendler

experience The LinkedIn company page

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Every webinar in the series is 90 minutes. The webinars are live and you will have the opportunity to ask individual questions.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay later. 

Every three months a new series start. Check the dates in the “Book now!” section.

Unforatunately it is not possible to follow the training individually. However, it is possible to book an in company training for you and your colleagues.

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